Brazil Brazil

Pack Deal

Brazil from Supa Gro is an extremely easy to grow magic mushroom grow kit. The 100% mycelium magic mushrooms grow kit will grant you with plenty of fruits, which can supply you with nice spore prints for your further research. 

For decorative purposes only.

Kit De Culture De Champignons Hallucinogènes
Kit Per La Coltivazione Di Funghi Allucinogeni
Kit De Cultivo de Setas Alucinógenas





Volume Price Quantity
1 pcs EUR 52.95 EUR 37.95 Buy
2 pcs EUR 105.95 EUR 69.95 Buy
3 pcs EUR 158.85 EUR 96.95 Buy

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  • By Javelin S.
    First summer growing. Was curious. My way is, that I create a supstrate from Cocofibers, Vermiculit and Gipsum. Gives the growing process so much more stability I grow them in a large plastic container with airholes protected with Micropoortape and and... there is enough info around how to do it. In this substrate I mixed the myceleum cake.
    Harvest 40/50 gr p.container dry. In one container fruits growed very slowly, but got very hard. The other were normal. When I Tripped with 3 gram on them and got my first hero trip.
    Felt like 10 times stronger but at least twiceor more.Beautiful visuals and insides. Not the same but close to Golden Teacher.