Privacy statement

Supa Gro respects your privacy!
Your information will only be used to process your order and will never be shared with third parties.

Your privacy

We will never sell your information or make it available to other parties. After ordering 100% Mycelium growkits, your information will only be shared with  those parties necessary for processing your order, such as postal services or payment providers.

Secured server

Your information is carefully processed and stored on a secured server. Your online information is available to yourself only and only after your permission. 

No unwanted advertisements

You will never receive unsollicited marketing or advertising about 100% mycelium kits, either from us or from a third party.

Discrete shipping

We will send your order with 100% mycelium growkit in a plain and discreet box. No stickers, logo's and others on the outside which will show the nature of the content. The only markings on your parcel are your address label on the front and a postal/parcel service sticker, depending on the service or 100% myclelium kit will not be displayed neither on your bank account, nor on your package.

Currently we DO NOT ship Supa Gro 100% Mycelium Grow Kits to following countries:

Non EU countries, Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Central America, Middle East, South America, Canada, Estonia, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, United States, Ukraine

We ship continental only! This means mainland only, no Greek, Spanish, Danish or other islands